Monday, 26 March 2012

About Yayasan Restu

The Restu Foundation was established in 1988 as a non-profit organization under Companies Act 1965. It aims to spread the message of Islam throughout the world, to strengthen the faith of Muslims and revive the field of Islamic arts.

In 1994 Restu Foundation made a history in Malaysia by being the first foundation in the country to developed and copy Al-Qur'an manuscript, something that was never accomplished since the fall of Malacca 500 years ago.

The Restu Foundation has spent more than 1.8 million Ringgit (approximately half a million of US dollars) on research work covering arts of copying and illuminating Al-Qur'an as well as on Malay culture and Islamic culture worldwide.

The Restu Foundation dedicated itself to compile and record the traditional cultural motifs of the Malays that are clearly influenced by the Islamic culture for every state in Malaysia.

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